What is Predictive Maintenance?

MTI’s definition of PdM – Predictive Maintenance is the use of graphical trends of physical parameters compared against known engineering limits for the purpose of detecting, analyzing, and correcting equipment problems before failures occur.

Predictive Maintenance (PdM), sometimes also referred to as “Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)”, “Reliability Based Maintenance (RBM)”, or “Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)”,  are all based on using various diagnostic testing technologies to periodically test equipment  in order to detect, analyze and correlate data in order to determine equipment operating conditions. Key PdM technologies include: vibration analysis, infrared thermography, motor circuit analysis, oil and lubrication analysis, ultrasonic testing, as well as others.

By partnering with MTI, our clients will have a thorough understanding of the condition of their critical equipment.

Why Perform Predictive Maintenance?

Predictive Maintenance will provide the following benefits:

  • Avoid Catastrophic Failures
  • Reduce Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
  • Cost Savings:
    • Reduce Downtime
    • Reduce Equipment Costs (Extend Equipment Lifetime)
    • Reduce Materials Costs
    • Lower Spare Parts inventory
    • Lower Labor Costs and Increase Productivity
    • Reduce Energy Consumption
  • Improve Reliability
  • Have an Appropriate Repair Schedule
  • Certify New Equipment – Acceptance Testing
  • Better Safety Performance and Decreased Insurance Costs
  • Improve Product Quality
  • Increase Throughput Capacity

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Predictive Maintenance (PdM)